Sagnac, however, proposed the experiment in support of his ether model and explained the effect without using relativity theory. The Sagnac effect, which is generally considered as one of the basic experimental effects of STR, is a first-order kinematic effect in v/ c. The Sagnac interferometer is nowadays used as a tool in civil aviation, to test gravitation theories, to examine quantum properties. The effect also has applications in geodesy and seismology.
which are essentially Sagnac interferometers. The Sagnac effect receives a lot of interest owing to its practical use in Global Positioning System, fiber optic gyroscope, ring laser gyroscope, etc. The effect has been observed experimentally in a wide range of wavelength bands, from radio to x-rays as well as using matter waves.
The effect was first discovered by Sagnac. Sagnac effect is the difference in phase (or time of arrivals) of two coherent light beams (originated from a single light beam) propagating along a rotating closed loop in opposite directions.